Chili pesto


When it comes to this pesto, we’re dead serious when we say: “Careful, it’s hot!”

We are proud to introduce to you 100% Orange reaper.

This is a pesto with a rating of over 1,100,000 SHU.

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When it comes to this pesto, we’re dead serious when we say: “Careful, it’s hot!”

We are proud to introduce to you 100% Orange reaper. This is a pesto with a rating of over 1,100,000 SHU.

Two chilies were mated to create this pesto, Habanero and Carollina. Their offspring was named 100% Orange reaper. It has its father’s (Habanero’s) taste and its mother’s (Carollina’s) potency. With no thermal treatment whatsoever we stored the chilies in a jar in order to preserve their taste and aroma, we then added some fleur de sel (salt flower) and poured cold pressed olive oil over the mix.

This is definitely a product that will keep you hot for hours after eating. Chili pesto is appropriate to use on a variety of dishes or as a cooking ingredient.

It also goes well with various spreads and sauces, or it can simply be spread on a piece of bread.


  • Chili*
  • Fleur de sel (salt flower)
  • Cold pressed olive oil*

*the ingredients are of organic origin

Gluten and additive free, vegan friendly.

Contents: 32ml

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Chili pesto
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